Home Calendar Phone #'s Missionaries e-mails Study Guest Book Reference


Missionary Addresses

Elder David Evans (HOME)chile.gif (534 bytes)

Casilla 7-0

Elder Dick and Sister Joyce Johnsonhawaii.gif (612 bytes) (Home)

55-113 Lanihuli Street
Laie, HI  96762

Elder Scott Paxman (HOME)france.gif (477 bytes)

Mission Francaise de Bordeaux
67 Rue Furtado
F-33800 Bordeaux France

Elder Dana Shumway (HOME)japan.gif (389 bytes)

Japan Tokyo South Mission
1-7-7 Kichijoji-Higashi
Machi Musashino-Shi
Tokyo T 180  Japan

Sister Virginia DeMaster (HOME)nvietnam.gif (465 bytes)

46\20 Cach Mang Phang Tam
District #3
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Sister Angie Shumway (HOME)missouri.gif (762 bytes)

517 W. Walnut
Independence, MO  64050

Elder Alex Asaycal.gif (3522 bytes)

23504 Lyons #107
Santa Clarita, CA 93121

Elder Terry and Sister Fern Smith

110 Arbor Crossing
Liphonia, GA 30058

Elder Reed and Sister Pat Dowdle

143 1st Ave. #405
Salt Lake City, UT  84103


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Missionary Referrals:  To assist members in submitting referrals, the church has established a toll-free number 1 (888) LDS-7700.  This number can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   Callers should provide the name, area code and number of the person to be visited and the member's own name, telephone number and home ward.   A missionary will telephone the nonmember for an appointment, mentioning the name of the member who referred them.  Nonmembers are more likely to accept a visit when the member's name is used.